Plant Care Guides


Fundamentals of Houseplant Care 101 - The Cheat Sheet

This guide is for casual plant keepers, beginners, and anyone who wants a simplified approach to houseplant care. Keeping houseplants can seem tricky, so we’ve created this all-encompassing cheat sheet that breaks down the essentials in an easy-to-follow format. The more you read, the deeper you’ll go into the details of successful plant care.

The Ultimate NZ Guide to Watering Your Houseplants (Without Killing Them)

Watering houseplants seems simple enough—until you start second-guessing everything. "Is it too much? Too little? Why does my Monstera look sad?" Relax, plant parent. We've got you covered. This guide will teach you how to water your leafy babies properly, avoid common mistakes, and understand the nuances of hydration for different seasons and plant placements.